Sunday, June 9, 2013

The wait continues!

So back in April I got a positive pregnancy test (well a few positive tests). We were so excited and I had Tyler look at it to make sure it was really there. I just knew this was finally it we were going to have a baby in January for the new year. WRONG! I started bleeding a few days later and my doctor confirmed a chemical pregnancy (when you get a positive test, but there is nothing ever found on an ultrasound and you start you period right after finding out). So it was back to square one again..

My doctor offered me a prescription for Clomid to take. It is supposed to help have a stronger, more predictable ovulation. So i'm hoping this will do the trick and maybe we'll have a March baby and he/she can share a birthday with daddy :)

We still miss our little one that we lost in October so very much. The due date (June 14th) is slowly approaching and I can't help but think of how he or she should be entering the world any day. However, I know God has a plan for us and he knows the reasons behind the miscarriage that we can't see. I'm ok with that because I trust him!

I can't wait so share this journey with everyone and hope that I will be reporting soon that i'm pregnant with a sweet, sweet blessing!


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